So Morgan Freeman encouraged everyone to go out and get the vaccine, and since he is literally God, we should all probably listen to him and get vaxxed up.
The actor did a PSA letting us know that he was vaccinated and that others who trust him should get theirs, as well.
“I’m not a doctor, but I trust science. And I’m told that, for some reason, people trust me. So here I am to say I trust science and I got the vaccine. If you trust me, you’ll get the vaccine. In math, it’s called the distributive property. In people, it’s called taking care of one another. Get the vaccine. Help make our world a safe place for us to enjoy ourselves again.”
Sadly, this elicited some responses of “I no longer trust Morgan Freeman” because he … believes in science? And is encouraging people to go out and get vaccinated so we’re not trapped inside for another 5 years? I know that the problem is a whole lot of misinformation and distrust. I understand that, and for the most part, I understand where it is coming from. But it is the Republicans yelling about the vaccine and vaccine passports and all their nonsense that is really making this ten times worse than it needs to be. Shocking.
The problem is that bits like this, encouraging people to get vaccinated, are basically targeting people who are already planning on listening to science and getting vaccinated anyway. The message isn’t really reaching the QAnon Twitter accounts saying that we’re all being microchipped or they are altering our genes, or those who believe them. As someone who is one vax shot in so far, I do have to say that I can now turn invisible on command, and every time I lift something, the Wonder Woman theme does start playing, so maybe that’s a side effect?
In all seriousness, it’s important to get vaccinated and read the research done by actual doctors in the field, not a random blog post online, and see what is just misinformation about this entire situation.
Listen to Morgan Freeman. Get your vaccine, wear your mask, and protect one another because, to be quite honest, I don’t know that any of us can survive another full year stuck inside.
(via The Hill, image: Universal Pictures)
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Published: Apr 6, 2021 4:20 PM UTC