Deadpool director Tim Miller and star Ryan Reynolds just told fans everywhere the words we wanted to hear: the movie version of Deadpool is pansexual, just like he is in the comics. In spite of the fact that his co-creators are weary of talking about it, it’s true, and it should be considered canon in every version of Deadpool that exists. Here’s the full quote from the interview with Collider:
Can you talk about the tantalizing fireside photo that you guys put out. Does this mean it will be a very hypersexualized Deadpool?
Miller: Pansexual! I want that quoted. Pansexual Deadpool.
Reynolds: There is some sexuality in this movie for sure. You kinda think you have moments when you’re shooting where you think, “This is, uh, a little excessive. This is a comic book movie. Are we gonna get away with this?” But so far so good. Studio hasn’t crushed us with anything. They were here yesterday, they were thrilled, they saw some cut footage and so far so good. We did a photo shoot for an entire day of just different, completely insane things that Deadpool is doing and there’s a lot more to come. They’ll be slowly released.
All Burt Reynolds inspired?
Reynolds: No, it wasn’t all Burt inspired. A little Dolly Parton in there. Got some unicorn fucking. A few things, I’m sure a lot, that will never ever see the light of day. Or, maybe they will if I have anything to do with it…
Perhaps now is a good time to explain that there is a prevalent Deadpool-riding-a-unicorn meme. It began a long time ago (possibly with this example of Deadpool on a winged tiger), and—well, let’s just say there’s a lot of fan-art out there of Deadpool riding a unicorn and/or a pegasus and/or magical animal of some sort, often with a lot of rainbows, and also a taco and/or chimichanga. Check out this lovely example featuring Deadpool yelling “No Homo!” while riding a rainbow-pooping unicorn with a “tacos” tattoo. Deadpool has a deep, abiding love for both Mexican food and magical horses, and it has been well-documented in both fan-created and official representations.
The Deadpool fandom is really weird, okay? It’s weird, and parts of it are absolutely awful, but other parts of it are pretty delightful—I’ve written about this before. Anyway, the parts of the fandom that love and treasure Deadpool’s pansexuality are, I think, going to be pretty happy about this news. What do we think, folks?
(via New Now Next and The Nerdy Bird, image via Giphy)
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Published: Nov 5, 2015 8:01 PM UTC