The Hollywood Reporter has officially announced that Ms. Marvel is getting her own show for Disney+! The first Muslim superhero to headline her own Marvel comic book is highly acclaimed and a huge fan favorite. Now, she’s coming to television with British writer Bisha K. Ali as a writer and showrunner!
While we’re still learning about the show, we do know that there will be more out of D23 throughout the weekend, but this news is wonderful. Kamala Khan is one of the most incredible Marvel characters and to see Ms. Marvel take to the screen means that maybe Marvel is really turning over a new leaf with the MCU. We have to admit we were hoping for a movie, but who knows were Kamala could go next after her series?
This is awesome. #MsMarvel
— Jeffrey Rex (@ImJeffreyRex) August 23, 2019
— ava (@peachyavaa) August 23, 2019
please let the lead actress be a muslim pakistani YOUNG woman also preferably unknown actress please please please i don’t want naomi scott or priyanka chopra as ms marvel
— ⚡️kajsa⚡️ (@strikku1f) August 23, 2019
I can’t believe people are already hating on this.
Ms. Marvel might be insignificant to you but it means a LOT to the people who are finally being represented through this character. They can put themselves into a universe they adore.
Quite frankly your opinion doesn’t matter.
— Stormy (@fentycap) August 23, 2019
barely anyone on the tl is talking about ms marvel i did not raise you all to be like this
— , tasnim (@louiscomet) August 23, 2019
To be honest, I refuse to look at anyone talking badly about this announcement because a) Kamala Khan is a fantastic character and b) none of us need that kind of negativity in our lives. And this announcement will hopefully mean we’re getting a new wave of young MCU characters onscreen that will more diverse than the sea of white men named Chris that we’ve had prior.
Honestly, it’s about f**king time and I can’t wait to see Kamala Khan in action!
(image: Marvel Entertainment)
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Published: Aug 23, 2019 9:38 PM UTC