Rudeus in episode 19
(Studio Bind)

Breaking Down ‘Mushoku Tensei’s Great Power Rankings

How does one qualify power? In horsepower? In firepower? In the power of love? Mushoku Tensei wrestles with such questions, and thankfully has provided an answer. It’s really easy! There are only seven power levels to keep track of! Sorta!

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What are the Seven Great Powers?

The Seven Great Powers are a hierarchical power ranking system established after the Second Human-Demon War to determine the seven most powerful people in the world. Why seven? I dunno. Sounds cool. Better than some weird ass number like 11 I guess? Don’t ask me—ask the Technique God, they came up with the name. What gave him the qualification? He was the strongest person at the world at the time. He above anyone else would know about strength. And I guess seven was his fav number?

What’s the Ranking System?

The ranking system of the Seven Great Powers begins with the number one rank of Technique God. Number two is the Dragon God. Then comes the Fighting God, the Demon God, the Death God, the Sword God, and in seventh place the North God. Although the list is numerical, the power levels of the various Gods are not placed at equal intervals. Like 12 Kizuki in Demon Slayer (wonder where they got the idea from), the Seven Great Powers are split into Upper and Lower ranks. The first four ranks are known as the upper ranks, and the bottom three are known as the lower ranks. This means that the Demon God is orders of magnitude stronger than the Death God, and not only marginally so.

Who holds each rank?

As of now, the ranks are held by these peeps:

Technique God: Laplace (Dragon-side half)

Dragon God: Orsted

Fighting God: Badigadi

Demon God: Laplace (Demon-side half)

Death God: Randolph Marianne

Sword God: Gal Farion

North God: Aleksander Rybak (Kalman III)

Yes, careful readers, the former leader of demonkind Laplace is la-placed twice on this list. Why? During his battle with humanity, Laplace was split into two separate beings by the Fighting God. These two beings are still obscenely power judging by their ranking, but we wouldn’t know for sure. They have yet to appear in the story. But like Chekov’s gun, their first introduction is certain to go off with a bang.

How do people know the ranks?

Easy! It’s written on rocks! Throughout the realm, there are stone monuments with the names of the Seven Great Powers carved into them. If one of the Powers is promoted or demoted, the monuments all magically adjust themselves to reflect the new ranking. Convenient, no?

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Image of Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.