**Spoilers for Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame.**
The time for stans of Wanda Maximoff has come! For me, I fell in love with this witchy queen back in Avengers: Age of Ultron—the only good thing that movie gave me other than Science Bros. content—but for many, she isn’t the most fleshed out of characters because she is often tied down to a male character and very rarely does anything but kill people accidentally.
When you understand Scarlet Witch and her powers, that’s actually kind of wild. She’s one of the strongest of the Avengers, and she was sidelined through two movies.
But, that time has passed, and now we’re getting the Wanda Maximoff who understands her placement among the Avengers and her abilities. At the end of Avengers: Infinity War, Wanda stands up and takes on Thanos’s army in a way that even has Okoye asking why she wasn’t fighting alongside them all along.
Maybe my love started when I saw her chipped nails in Captain America: Civil War, a detail that I’ve still never gotten over. For so long, I watched as superheroes fought with perfect nails and hair, and then here came Wanda Maximoff, a moody teenager who had a rough go of it and couldn’t understand her own strength.
Now, though, we know that she has come into her own and takes on Thanos in hand-to-hand combat and, arguably, wins. If he didn’t give her and Carol cheap shots, they both would have taken him down. That being said, there is something so incredible about Wanda in Avengers: Endgame because she’s a woman who has nothing to lose. She’s there, ready to take on Thanos, and it makes her stronger in the end.
Do I love Wanda Maximoff more now than I did before? Yes, she is taking on her position as one of the new leaders of the Avengers, and she’s doing so for those they lost, and I can’t wait to see where it takes her character.
(image: Marvel Entertainment)
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Published: Apr 29, 2019 9:09 PM UTC