Nathan Fielder’s comedy isn’t for everyone. The creator of Comedy Central’s Nathan for You (and the man behind that now-famous “Dumb Starbucks” gag) specializes in making people uncomfortable. Personally, that isn’t my favorite kind of comedy. Except, apparently, when the person being made uncomfortable is Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary and coiner of the term “Holocaust Centers.” (Just an alternatively factual name for concentration camps!) That goes double when his discomfort results in Holocaust awareness and education.
Except, apparently, when the person being made uncomfortable is Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary and coiner of the term “Holocaust Centers.” (Just an alternatively factual name for concentration camps!) That goes double when his discomfort results in Holocaust awareness and education.
Fielder founded the clothing company Summit Ice just a few weeks ago, with a pop-up shop in Vancouver and a $150,000 donation to Holocaust education. From the company’s website:
Summit Ice Apparel was founded in 2015, when Mr. Fielder became aware that his favorite jacket company, the Vancouver-based Taiga, had published a tribute to Holocaust denier Doug Collins in one of their winter catalogues. Mr. Fielder immediately recognized a need in the marketplace for an outdoor apparel company that openly promoted the true story of the Holocaust.
Summit Ice’s homepage is equally dedicated, then, to educating customers about its superior insulation technology, and the Holocaust.
So when Sean Spicer started making it very clear (and then even clearer still, as he managed to put his foot so far inside his own mouth he really should be seeking medical attention) that he desperately needs to be educated on this very subject, Fielder was ready with the perfect gift, which he shared on Twitter.
.@seanspicer you’re an XL right?
— nathan fielder (@nathanfielder) April 12, 2017
I’m sure we won’t be seeing Spicer sporting his new jacket anytime soon, but it’s the thought that counts, right? (Or, in Spicer’s case, the thoughtlessness.)
(via Uproxx, featured image: screengrab)
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Published: Apr 12, 2017 11:34 PM UTC