Netflix’s Lost In Space reboot plans to make an unexpected but welcome change to the series by casting Parker Posey as Dr. Smith, the amusingly incompetent but nonetheless villainous saboteur of the story. Lost In Space has already cast Taylor Russell as Judy Robinson, who is the oldest daughter of the Robinsons, the family that ends up getting… y’know… lost in space. So, it’s shaping up to be a pretty diverse cast!
Anyway, none of our own readers even guessed that Lost in Space might gender-swap any of these roles; on our announcement about Taylor Russell’s casting, some of you speculated about some male actors who might do Dr. Smith justice. Instead, Parker Posey will be doing the honors.
Luckily, Posey has a lot of experience with comedy, particularly the goofy and over-the-top kind. You might remember that she played the villain in Josie and the Pussycats, a cult favorite of mine (and a favorite of many). It’ll be fun to see how she chooses to play Dr. Smith.
(via Coming Soon, image via Craig Duffy on Flickr)
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Published: Nov 23, 2016 12:25 PM UTC