
NetherRealm Studios Begins New Project After 2 Years of Mortal Kombat 11 Kontent

What's next for NetherRealm?

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Mortal Kombat 11, released back in 2019, will no longer be receiving DLC support from NetherRealm Studios. After two years of brutal fatalities, the return of the legendary Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Shang Tsung, my absolute favorite iteration of Kitana (more Kitana Khan, please!), and the ongoing fanfic AU where Robocop, Rambo, and the T-800 can legitimately fight to the death, this game has had a hell of a run.

But what’s next for NetherRealm?

Of course, there hasn’t been any news of what that next project could be, but fans are speculating the return of the studio’s DC fighting game, Injustice.

Injustice: Gods Among Us, released back in 2013, told the story of a parallel universe where the Joker tricked Superman into killing Lois Lane who, at the time, was pregnant with their child. Superman, done with the Joker’s BS, murdered him and went on to execute criminals. Batman, devastated in seeing the Man of Steel literally thrust his hand through Joker’s chest like he was performing a, well, fatality, creates a group who opposes Superman’s methods. This, as to be expected, divides the Justice League.

Things get more complicated when Batman and Joker of the standard DC universe get transported to this alternate timeline, both seeing the effects of Superman’s regime (and having very different reactions, of course). This sets the stage for the Injustice game franchise.

The game lets you play as various DC characters using the battle system established by the Mortal Kombat remake (MK9) and was, quite frankly, fantastic. The story was interesting, with alternate takes on classic characters (or not so alternate if you’re familiar with the comics and the parallel DC universes), and the gameplay was a lot of fun. Injustice 2, released in 2017, added to the story with the introduction of Supergirl and other DC characters like Black Canary, Poison Ivy, and Swamp Thing.

Like everyone else, I’d be thrilled to see the new project be Injustice 3, but some fans have mentioned the potential of another fighting game coming from NetherRealm Studios.

That Marvel fight game, you ask.


Of course, this tweet doesn’t confirm that NetherRealm is working on a Marvel fighter, but many pointed out that it was interesting that Ed Boon brought up a director who worked on DC and Marvel movies since James Gunn has worked on both Guardians of the Galaxy and Suicide Squad. While NetherRealm Studios is owned by Warner Bros., it’s kinda fun to entertain the thought of Boon playing with the idea of being someone who makes something for both DC and Marvel. I for one would love to see NetherRealm’s take on a Marvel fighting game. What would the story be? Who would be our main roster of characters?

What would be the random DLC that makes us all going, “Wait what?!”

Or maybe NetherRealm is working on something completely different. Who knows. What I do know is that whatever it is, I’m excited to check it out.

Injustice 3 would be dope, though.

So would Marvel [fill in the blank].

I feel like I win either way.

(Image: NetherRealm Studios)

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Image of Briana Lawrence
Briana Lawrence
Briana (she/her - bisexual) is trying her best to cosplay as a responsible adult. Her writing tends to focus on the importance of representation, whether it’s through her multiple book series or the pieces she writes. After de-transforming from her magical girl state, she indulges in an ever-growing pile of manga, marathons too much anime, and dedicates an embarrassing amount of time to her Animal Crossing pumpkin patch (it's Halloween forever, deal with it Nook)