Although, as I’ve said before, casting Richard Madden as the handsome prince who tosses aside his arranged marriage for love of a commoner is going to backfire on them considerably. Sure he’s a great actor, but the second his king dad says “You must marry for the good of the kingdom” everyone in the theater is going to yell “OH GODS JUST DO IT THIS TIME WE CAN’T BEAR THE PAIN AGAIN.”
Still, this trailer offers us a lot more of maniacal Cate Blanchett and even gives Cinderella a bit of a personality, so that’s a much better glimpse of the movie than we’ve gotten up until now (except did that scene where she tells the prince off for being privileged remind anybody of the 1997 made for TV Brandy/Whitney Houston Cinderella? Because I kind of would rather watch that again). What do you think?
(via Collider)
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Published: Feb 11, 2015 3:58 PM UTC