Disney shared a trailer for an upcoming winter holiday short titled “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure,” where the snowman mascot voiced by Josh Gad goes out to hunt for different holiday family traditions. Anna and Elsa, you see, don’t have any because their parents died and she spent most of her life in hiding. It’s a very sad premise, but as the studio often does, they try to balance it out by giving lots of time to the adorable mascot who goes off to visits Arendale families.
The short comes between the hugely popular Frozen and Frozen 2, which doesn’t come out until 2019. From the trailer, it looks like it’s going to be a pretty conventional and wholesome story about Olaf doing his best to bring Elsa and Anna some rituals (we see a few glimpses Jewish traditions, Santa, and even Kristoff’s troll traditions) until the three realize that they can create their own. After all, the holidays for many are less about what they do and more about the spirit of family. There’s also a new song that we hear a bit about being together with loved ones that’ll definitely be playing in every store this December (c’mon, we just got that song out of our heads).
All this, of course, with a horrifying dash of trying to understand the physics of Olaf. Is he in a sauna? How does that work? When he eats a fruit cake does that mean he usually eats human food? Does he digest it? I have questions Disney, and I’m a bit scared of the answers.
The short will play before Coco, which comes out November 22, 2017, right around the holiday season. What do you think about “Olaf’s Frozen Adventure”?
(via Birth.Movies.Death., image: screencap)
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Published: Jun 13, 2017 02:30 pm