Because sometimes celebrities really are like us, Oprah was clearly deeply affected by the empowerment masterpiece that is Wonder Woman. So affected, in fact, that yesterday she hosted a Wonder Woman-themed party. We’re going to assume our invitations all got lost in the mail, but we can pretend we were there, enjoying it vicariously through Oprah’s Instagram, where she was kind enough to document the event.
She doesn’t say what the event was honoring, but when Wonder Woman is concerned, the movie’s existence is reason enough for a party, right? 28 10-year-olds and their parents got to hang out with Oprah and enjoy this AMAZING cake.
I want to set Oprah yelling “IT’S WONDER WOMAN DAY” as my permanent ringtone.
In addition to that fantastic cake, she had some awesome goodies for the kids, of course. Like themed footwear.
And what would even be the point of popcorn at a Wonder Woman party without themed popcorn buckets? Plus, check out those wrist cuffs!
Here’s my favorite, though: She even got a tiara for her puppers.
I can’t handle it.
Thank you, Oprah. Also thank you for destroying any desire I had to throw a party ever again. Because really, if there’s not a puppy in a Wonder Woman tiara and a cake far too beautiful to eat, what’s even the point?
(via BuzzFeed, image: JD Hancock/Flickr)
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Published: Jun 14, 2017 8:56 PM UTC