On March 30th, Moon Knight premiered on Disney Plus, introducing a new adventure unlike anything Marvel has done before. The series follows Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac) an unassuming gift shop keeper in a museum. However, Grant frequently suffers from blackouts and wakes up in strange places with no memory of how he got there. When he awakes one day in another country, he discovers he has another, much more aggressive personality, Marc Spector.
Meanwhile, he also has the voice of Khonshu (F. Murray Abraham), the Moon God, living inside of him. Furthermore, Grant has found himself mixed up with religious cult leader Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke). Grant and his identities must work together to stop Harrow from awakening Ammit, the Egyptian Goddess of damned souls. Moon Knight, with its exploration of dissociative identity disorder, Egyptology, and its shift into darker territory, is setting out to be a surprising and entertaining addition to the MCU.
Isaac was first attached to the role of Moon Knight in 2020, when he began negotiations with Marvel. Marvel officially confirmed his casting in May of 2021. And Isaac’s attachment to the project certainly piqued interest from fans, due to his latest work in projects such as Dune and the Star Wars franchise. Meanwhile, his performance, so far, has been impressive. His ability to take on multiple personalities, as well as to make his accent intentionally unconvincing, helps him shine in the role. However, his attachment to Moon Knight has raised curiosity for his future MCU career.
Isaac in the MCU after Moon Knight
Moon Knight has been confirmed to take place within the MCU. However, it is also a pretty self-contained show and there isn’t much indication that it will tie in heavily with MCU events and characters. With that being said, there is still a lot that Moon Knight could do following his miniseries. For example, he could easily team up with some of MCU’s darker heroes, such as Blade and Black Knight.
However, as of now, there is no indication that Isaac will appear in the MCU beyond Moon Knight. In fact, unlike many MCU stars, Isaac is not contractually obligated to stay in the MCU. Isaac’s contract only covers Moon Knight, meaning that he could choose not to appear in any other MCU projects. On the other hand, he very well could choose to be in another MCU project, even though he’s not contracted to.
Thus far, Isaac has been pretty honest about the fact that his only focus is on Moon Knight, for now. In an interview with Variety, he stated, “…we all agreed that this [show] is what we’re going to focus on. This is the story. And if there’s any kind of future, I think it just depends on if people like it, if people want to see more, and if we find a story that’s worth telling.” Hence, Isaac doesn’t have any current plans to reprise his role as Moon Knight. However, if the show is successful and creates something that could be expanded on, Isaac could very well still appear in the MCU in the future.
(featured image: MARZ VFX/Marvel Entertainment)
Published: Apr 1, 2022 12:21 pm