Panterona Cosplay

Cosplayer Creates Incredible Armor out of Macaroni for cosSLAY Twitch Show Challenge

I adore this so much!

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I’m no stranger to Panterona Cosplay’s work. I’ve been a fan of her cosplay for a while now.

Recently, she shared a rather curious picture of what she was working on. It’s not odd for cosplayers to share the materials they’re using, but this picture made it look like she’d mistaken her local grocery store for a craft and fabric store.

cosSLAY is a cosplay competition series on Twitch where 10 cosplayers go head to head in a series of themed challenges. This explains the collection of pasta in Panterona’s picture, as she was using it as material to meet the latest challenge: unconventional armor!

I didn’t know this series was a thing, but now that I do, it’s very much a thing that I need to try and keep track of.

Each episode highlights the contestants, how they went about making their look, and the difficulties of, well, trying to get enough toilet paper rolls to make armor. The unconventional armor episode is right over here!

As a cosplayer and wife of a seamstress, I know that we are a community that can take the most random item and create a whole look out of it. My wife has made things out of window curtains and has looked at shower curtain rods and doorknobs for something other than home repair. There are plenty of stories about cosplayers taking trips to hardware stores, thrift shops, and keeping hold of 2-liter soda bottles to repurpose them to make jetpacks.

The creativity of the community is incredible. It’s like we all took kindergarten to heart back when we’d make houses out of glue, toothpicks, and imagination.

Even if I know this, I still couldn’t believe that Panterona was going to make fully wearable armor out of material that I only acknowledge when it’s time to set the over to 350, gather up various cheeses, and bake a pan of macaroni.

And yet, that’s exactly what her plan was.

And she pulled it off beautifully, complete with the perfect pun for her latest creation.

According to Panterona, her Macaronin was made out of cardboard, macaroni, elbow macaroni, lasagna, rigatoni, fig leaves, paper, and a basket cover. She was the winner of the challenge, and yes, she did accessorize her good boy Bark Vader to be her sidekick, Cheese!

I’ve been zooming in on the picture to try and identify which noodle was used where. Not only does this look like armor, but it looks like Panterona’s able to move around in it.

The other contestants have been sharing their looks, like this look made out of puzzle pieces by Lie:

This look from OMG JUNI using pillows, curtains, lampshades, and a toy tea set:

And this look from DJ Croft using spoons, cardboard, vacuum hoses, water bottles, and more:

Seriously, amazing work, everyone, and congratulations to Panterona on taking the top spot this week! Be sure to keep up with cosSLAY to see what the next challenge will be! Episodes air every Monday at 7PM ET on JustJaremi’s Twitch channel.


Photo by Guru Kast

Panterona Cosplay and Good Boy

Photo by Guru Kast

(Image: Panterona Cosplay/Guru Kast)

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Image of Briana Lawrence
Briana Lawrence
Briana (she/her - bisexual) is trying her best to cosplay as a responsible adult. Her writing tends to focus on the importance of representation, whether it’s through her multiple book series or the pieces she writes. After de-transforming from her magical girl state, she indulges in an ever-growing pile of manga, marathons too much anime, and dedicates an embarrassing amount of time to her Animal Crossing pumpkin patch (it's Halloween forever, deal with it Nook)