If you’ve been on the fence as far as the Nintendo 3DS is concerned, there’s now one more reason to go ahead and take the plunge: The Pikachu 3DS XL is set to launch in North America on March 24th. That’s right. The favorite Electric-type Pokémon of children everywhere — adults prefer Ampharos, obviously — graces the cover of this particularly radiant handheld. It gets better, though, as there are perks to purchasing certain games with it.
Other than the specific branding, it’s pretty much just your usual 3DS XL. It’ll retail for $199.99 with a 4GB SD memory card included. It’s also ridiculously adorable, so there’s that.
If folks buy both the new Pikachu-branded device and a copy of one of the two 3DS games that also happen to drop the same day — Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon or Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity — you can get a extra game via download. You have to register both before April 30th, but that shouldn’t be too hard if you’ve already dropped the cash for them.
Here’s the list of 3DS games that folks can grab out of this promotion: Freakyforms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive!, Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone!, Star Fox 64 3D, Super Mario 3D Land, or Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. Also, unless you already have the last three, please for the love of everything don’t get the first two.
(via Joystiq)
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Published: Mar 14, 2013 8:50 PM UTC