So, there’s an infographic explaining the importance of being able to play at work, and that means I’ll finally get 3 hours daily to play Commander Keen, right? That’s not quite what this Socialcast infographic is talking about, but it’s still a step in that direction for employees that don’t consider “change the value of cell D159 in BoringFinancialReport2011Q3.xls” to be a game.
The infographic, designed in a playful, nostalgic 8-bit style, highlights the extent to which gaming has permeated today’s culture, the fact that a lot of today’s modern employers are gamers, and the similarities between work and an RPG. Now, some people might consider this incentive for employers to gamify work to be subversive, but if you ask me, clearly defined short-term goals, with or without nominal rewards, help me get excited about coming to work on Monday so I can finally be a level 3 intern.
(via Bit Rebels)
Published: Jul 25, 2011 11:52 am