When we first got my cat Dewey, he had a tendency to walk on my keyboard. I was surprised one day to find replies to my twitter stream asking if I was OK. Turns out, Dewey had sent a tweet on my behalf of complete gibberish thanks to me leaving Tweetdeck open. And it wouldn’t be the last time. But conceptual artist Voldemars Dudums decided to let some animals tweet on purpose, namely birds. Which couldn’t be more perfect considering Twitter’s mascot. How did he do it? He set up a Twitter account for them, @hungry_birds, and rigged a keyboard with snacks of pork fat. They now have over 5,000 followers. Watch them in action but make sure to pay attention to what Dudums says near the end of the video about the rest of us Twitter users. You can learn more at BirdsOnTwitter.com.
(via Colossal)
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Published: Dec 1, 2012 11:32 am