Back when I was a kid, I thought that cars should have a variety of different honks. I know you can honk differently, but I mean completely different honks devoted to things like “thanks” and “sorry, my bad” in addition to the standard “AHHHH!” I’ll admit it’s a pretty inelegant solution compared to Gagandeep‘s questionably legal, back window LED matrix, although his intention was to be more specific with his criticism of other drivers.
The matrix, which is spaced such that it does not actually obscure the drivers view (when it’s off anyways), 40 x 16 grid of LED lights. The grid itself is somewhat fragile, the cost of its transparency, but it appears to work just fine, and shouldn’t have to really be moved for any reason. At the moment, it just displays hardcoded text, but Gagandeep has aspirations of modifying it to update by text message. This should definitely allow him to be more scathingly critical than a plain old horn.
Pictures below.
Picasa album with way more pictures and videos here.
Slideshow of the project progress here.
(via Hack a Day)
Published: Oct 20, 2011 7:59 PM UTC