Listen, I admit it: I’m just really into trailer remixes. Last week, I wrote about the Rogue One trailer mashup that took Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage” and put it against some nice cuts from all the Rogue One footage we’ve seen thus far. Now, though, we’ve got CineMash, who have taken even more cuts from all the Rogue One bits and put them up against a highly unlikely (yet somehow incredibly appropriate) song: the theme from Friends, “I’ll Be There For You,” by The Rembrandts. Yeah, I know, right?
One of the most (in)famous parts of the Friends theme song is the section with the claps that happens right at the beginning. It’s been used to great effect on Family Guy, and it’s been the subject of a mystery around to why the claps were missing in one episode (spoiler: technical issues on Netflix). But in this Rogue One trailer mashup, you’ll find that the claps are used in a much more, uh… laser focused way.
What’s also neat about the trailer are the title cards for each character, done up in the Friends font. This all has me kind of wondering, though: just how good of a roommate would Baze Malbus be? The guy seems to really like shooting and blowing things up, and I’ve got too many breakables to live with that. Won’t somebody think of my houseplants?! But really though, I’d totally be roommates with Jyn and Mon Mothma. A real triumvirate of badass power, right there. Movie nights where we’d often disagree about whether we’d watch westerns, old war movies, or political thrillers, but ultimately we end up taking turns because we’re all too cool to get into real arguments about that.
Yeah. Yeah, I’d watch that show.
(via Laughing Squid)
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Published: Aug 22, 2016 9:45 PM UTC