The Sailor Scouts in the manga as drawn by Naoko Takeuchi
(Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha)

‘Sailor Moon’: How old is each Sailor Scout in the anime and the manga?

Judging age in anime and manga can be weird sometimes. From the differences in school systems, the different art styles, and the fact that the most popular genres are usually beloved by young people, a character’s age can be hard to discern if it’s not made clear in the story. Sailor Moon especially has its lead character and her team go through so much—it’s hard to remember they are, mostly, just teenagers.

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If you were wondering exactly how old the characters in Sailor Moon are, we’ve got you covered.

How old is Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon?

Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon
(Toei Animation)

In the manga, Usagi begins the story as a 14-year-old and is 16 by the end of the series. In the original anime, she also starts at 14 years old, but in the final episode, she is 18. In Sailor Moon: Crystal, Usagi is also 14 years old and a middle school student at Juuban Municipal Junior High School.

Born on June 30, Usagi is a Cancer. Though she does age quite a bit in both the manga and the series, she does stop aging at one point. Due to the power of the crystal, she stops aging at 22 years old and spends the rest of eternity as a hot 22-year-old.

As the heart and leader of the Sailor Scouts, Usagi is tasked with protecting Earth and the Moon Kingdom. Throughout the series, fans watch Usagi grow from a childish girl to a courageous woman. Usagi is meant to be the epitome of kindness and compassion, which is reflected in how she fights her enemies. She doesn’t believe in killing and harnesses the power of love and friendship with her every move.

How old is Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury?

Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury in Sailor Moon
(Toei Animation)

Ami, like Usagi, starts the series at 14 years old. At the end of the manga, she is 16 years old. She was born on September 10, making her a Virgo.

As Sailor Mercury, Ami serves as the strategist of the Sailor Scouts. She is known for her intelligence and analytical mind (which you can see from her love of books, duh!). She harnesses the power of water and ice, which suits perfectly with her last name Mizuno, which translates to “water field.”

How old is Rei Hino/Sailor Mars?

Rei Hino / Sailor Mars
(Toei Animation)

One of the biggest surprises I found when researching this article is that technically when we first meet Rei in act one of the manga, she is 13 years old. But she quickly turns 14 a month later. The Japanese school year begins around April 1 and the manga confirms that Usagi is 14 at the start of the series. However, she starts the story as a 14-year-old in the original anime.

Born on April 17, Rei is an Aries. This ties in nicely with her personality; Rei is known to be fierce and fiery, traits often characterized by Aries. As a member of the Sailor Scouts, Rei channels her fire powers to launch devastating attacks against enemies. Her brash personality tends to clash with Usagi, but they have one thing in common: their love for their friends.

How old is Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter?

Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter
(Toei Animation)

While Sailor Jupiter starts the manga series at 14, she is the first of the main Sailor Scouts to turn 15 years old. In the anime, she stars in the series at 14 years old. In the 30th century, Makoto is revealed to be 22 years old. She was born on December 5, which makes Makoto a Sagittarius.

Makoto has always seemed like the most mature of the Scouts in terms of actual skills, as she is an excellent fighter and cook. For bad-ass femmes, Makoto is an icon. Makoto channels the power of thunder and nature, which adds to her coolness. However, she is also kind, protective, and has a flair for gardening.

How old is Minako Aino/Sailor Venus?

Minako Aino/Sailor Venus
(Toei Animation)

Minako or Mina has a more interesting arc because she had her own series before Sailor Moon called Codename: Sailor V at the age of 12-13. When we are officially introduced to her in the manga she is a 15-year-old and the de facto second in command to Sailor Moon. In the original anime, she starts the series at 14 years old. Born on October 22, Minako is a Libra.

Known as the Guardian of Love and Beauty, Minako utilizes light-based powers to fight bad guys and protect the Sailor Scouts. Due to her experience as Sailor V, she has more knowledge of combat and she feels a deep sense of responsibility to the Sailor Scout’s mission. Outside of the battlefield, she is bubbly and vibrant.

How old is Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus?

Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus
(Toei Animation)

The Outer Sailor Scouts are older than our main group of ladies. Haruka is a high school student and when we meet the character, she is 16 years old and is 17+ as the series continues in the manga. Haruka’s birthday is on January 27, making her an Aquarius.

Haruka is known for her androgynous look and her confident, cool demeanor. As part of the Outer Sailor Scouts, she wields the power of the skies and is often praised for her strength and speed. Though fiercely independent, she develops a romantic relationship with Michiru Kaiou, who you may know as Sailor Neptune.

How old is Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune?

Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune
(Toei Animation)

Like her girlfriend, Michiru Kaiou is also 16-17 during the series as a first-year high school student. Her birthday is on March 6, which makes Michiru a Pisces.

The embodiment of grace and sophistication, Michiru harnesses the power of the ocean. Due to her prowess as a violinist, Michiru possesses an air of elegance and refinement in all of her actions. On top of that, she is extremely intelligent, making use of her intuition to develop strategies and stay calm in the heat of battle. She is the perfect blend of power and beauty.

How old is Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn?

Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn
(Toei Animation)

Our youngest Sailor Scout! In the manga, Hotaru Tomoe is 12-13 years old. After she is reborn, she starts her story as a five-year-old, then ages up to 10 as her powers awaken. Despite her tiny stature, she is powerful. In the anime, Hotaru is initially 12 but then is transformed into an 8-9-year-old, reborn after Mistress Nine is removed from her. Born on January 6, Hotaru is a Capricorn.

Though she is young, do not be fooled by Hotaru’s gentle demeanor. As the Guardian of Destruction and Rebirth, Hotaru wields the Silence Glaive, a weapon revered by the Sailor Guardians. As the one precursor of endings, Hotaru has the power to pave new beginnings and plunge the Earth into a new era. She is both a symbol of hope and destruction.

How old is Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto?

Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto
(Toei Animation)

Setsuna is the oldest of the main cast of ladies. As Sailor Pluto, she is implied to be older than the fall of the Moon Kingdom, making her centuries old. When she is reborn and reintroduced as Setsuna, she is 19-20. Born on October 29, Setsuna is a Scorpius.

Setsuna is the Guardian of Time and Space, responsible for protecting the boundaries of time, and the guardian of the Space-Time Door. Setsuna holds herself with dignity, which causes many people to see her as mysterious. She feels a strong sense of duty to her mission, showcasing the dedication needed to protect the fabric of time.

How old is Chibiusa Tsukino/Sailor Chibi Moon?

Chibiusa Tsukino/Sailor Chibi Moon
(Toei Animation)

Despite her small stature, due to the magic of the 30th century, Chibiusa Tsukino is actually over 900 years old. The reason she looks between 8-9 years old is because she had not awakened her Sailor abilities. Once that happens she begins to slowly age. In the anime, Chibiusa is just a small child and doesn’t grow in the same way, except when she is in scout form. Her age is not explicitly stated. Chibiusa was born on June 30, which makes her a Cancer.

Hailing from 30th Century’s Crystal Tokyo, Chibiusa is the future daughter of Usagi Tsukino and Mamoru Chiba. Like her mom, Chibiusa embodies the power of love and hope. She greatly admires Usagi and resolves to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

How old is Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask?

Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask
(Toei Animation)

Mamoru’s age is considered a controversial topic. In the manga, when we meet Mamoru, he is 16 and therefore only a year and a half/two years older than Usagi, depending on how it falls with their birthdays.

For some reason, the anime kept Usagi as a 14-year-old but aged Mamoru to 17. Because we know explicitly that Usagi is 14, it is very jarring to see her dating a 17-year-old, even if it is only a year change from the manga. Born on August 3, Mamoru is a Leo.

As most people know, Mamoru is Usagi’s soulmate and the father of Chibiusa. He is the protector of Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts and though he is not as powerful as the girls, his intelligence and courage make him an irreplaceable member of the gang.

Those are the ages of the main characters of Sailor Moon. Not a ton of surprises, but at least you can find all their zodiac signs now.

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Image of Alexandria Lopez
Alexandria Lopez
Alexandria "Alexa" Lopez (She/Her) is a Freelance Writer for TheMarySue.Com. She graduated with a degree in Integrated Marketing and Communications from the University of Asia and the Pacific and has been writing online since 2017. Currently residing in Metro Manila, Alexa has been a fan of K-pop since she was a child, and this is a phase she will likely never outgrow. Besides that, Alexa loves video games, anime, and keeping up her Duolingo streak.
Image of Princess Weekes
Princess Weekes
Princess (she/her-bisexual) is a Brooklyn born Megan Fox truther, who loves Sailor Moon, mythology, and diversity within sci-fi/fantasy. Still lives in Brooklyn with her over 500 Pokémon that she has Eevee trained into a mighty army. Team Zutara forever.