Here’s my favorite thing about “Frenemy of my Enemy”: it was both written and directed by women, Monica Owusu-Breen and Karen Gaviola, respectively. Do you know how rare that is in production? Super rare. All hail the television gods for that combo on this episode. More of that, please.
Close on the heels of that favorite thing, though, is Cal. Oh, Cal. Oh, dear, sweet pop-pop Cal.
Never, ever take him away from us, SHIELD. He is the most beautiful and insane thing in this world.
I also love that they’ve brought Ward back into the crew without making him inherently good again as well. More Brett Dalton is always a good thing, but I am not looking for any sort of redemption arc any time soon – and his relationship with Agent 33 still squicks me out – but I’m definitely not opposed to more Creepy Ward.
Lincoln is still whatever, SpyMommy is still rad, and Mike, Coulson, Hunter, and Fitz need to start their own boy band. But with the revelation this week that they’re making a Lance/Bobbi spin-off and Ming-Na and Dalton both admitting to me that Age of Ultron will have an effect on Agents of SHIELD, I keep watching these episodes less as stand-alone hours of entertainment and more as a curiosity about what they’re setting up in the near future, which is unfortunate. Are they moving other cast members over to the spin off with Hunter and Mockingbird? Is Ming-Na switching teams? Will Eddie Olmos star in the new show?
If I’m being completely honest, it’s a distraction from the action at hand, and that’s a little disappointing. It’s hard to just enjoy what I’m watching without constantly wondering what it’s setting up, and that’s not how good episodic television should roll – we need self-contained goodness. But all that being said, I’m still looking forward to seeing where they’re going next.
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Published: Apr 22, 2015 11:00 PM UTC