Fans of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes probably know all about the shipping that exists online for these two characters, but the more we get into Falcon and the Winter Soldier, the more I just want Sam and Bucky to kiss. And like, can you blame me? In the second episode of the series, we got Bucky and Sam finally reuniting, and honestly, I would watch an entire series of the two of them stuck in fanfic trope situations and falling in love over and over again. Give me that remake of Groundhog Day.
First, Bucky and Sam are fighting the Flag-Smashers, and in doing so, Bucky is holding onto a truck and almost hitting the ground. Sam, using his Falcon wings, flies to grab Bucky, and the two of them crash land into a field where they roll around like Padme and Anakin in Attack of the Clones.

From there, Sam forces himself to sit laces no spaces (with his legs) facing Bucky as the two are in couples therapy. So please tell me how I’m not supposed to ship these two? Sam and Bucky literally look at each other and “get close” by having the other’s knee in between their legs. Like … come ON, Marvel.
ifb stans!!
— bembi | sambucky brainrot (@buckysfruitass) March 29, 2021
Is it going to get worse when Sam brings Bucky home to meet his family and the two do a fun training course together? Is it just going to be fanfiction in the making every single episode? If you’re not going to give me Sam and Bucky making out by the end of Falcon and the Winter Soldier, I just need to know what you want me to do on the fanfic side of things.
Because like, I’m already preparing to write that field scene over and over again just for my heart and to feel better about Sam and Bucky’s relationship. I mean … I’ve never seen two platonic best friends roll in a field together and land on top of each other just for the fun of it, but what do I know? (I know a lot of fanfic tropes and I know that is something I’ve read in fic time and time again.)
this is literally them. get your shit together, sambucky.
— julie/sam! STREAM PINNED📌 (@fetussatann) March 28, 2021
I hope this next episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier includes Sam and Bucky just like being trapped in a tiny space together and bumping noses or something because my god just put all the fanfic tropes in this series for me and my heart. I know that Marvel is not going to give me Sam and Bucky kissing but my god the sexual tension between those two is not fair.
If you guys want to give me more field rolls between these two, though, I will take that.
(image: Marvel Entertainment)
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Published: Mar 29, 2021 9:40 PM UTC