Felon and all around scummy dude Martin Shkreli might be headed to prison earlier than he was expecting.
Prosecutors have asked that his bail bond be revoked due to the threats he’s made against women online, which includes his request that people pull stands of Hillary Clinton’s hair for DNA testing for “a crime” that he’s accused her of. Over Facebook, he offered $5,000 to anybody who could manage to snag some hair while Clinton went about her What Happened book tour. Since then, he’s edited the post to say “It was just a prank, bro!” and that “Hillary Clinton’s presumptive agents” should be “investigating her, not me.”
Previously, Shkreli made headlines by singling out and harassing Teen Vogue journalist Lauren Duca. His disgusting acts include creating some pretty stalker-esque photos (photoshopping his head onto her husband’s body in a picture of the couple) and commenting on sleeping with her after his case was finished in court. He’s also gone after female journalists who have spoken out against him by purchasing domain names of their full names and putting up rudimentary sites making fun of them. He’s even gone after Clinton before; he stood outside of Chelsea Clinton’s home for two hours after learning that Hillary Clinton was taken there after fainting during a 9/11 memorial service. He was livestreaming his stalking, offering commentary to equally puerile viewers and heckling Clinton the entire time.
I’m not sure what happened in Shkreli’s life to make him so antagonistic towards women. I’m not going to hazard a guess either. But it’s clear that he has a history around powerful women, as he’s constantly gone out of his way to take out his frustrations by “pranking” (not really) and “trolling” (yeah right) journalists and politicians. The sooner they can put him behind bars and take away all venues through which he can continue to harass and belittle other women, the better.
The hearing for his bail revocation is set for September 14th.
(via Uproxx, image: New Line Cinema)
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Published: Sep 8, 2017 4:10 PM UTC