July 13th is a wonderful day for so many reasons, one being that my mother celebrates her birthday with both Harrison Ford and Sir Patrick Stewart—so, great for me, a nerd. Luckily, we’ve been quarantined together this whole time, so her quarantine birthday was spent watching Friday Night Lights with me, but at least it was safe, much like Sir Patrick Stewart’s 80th birthday.
The Picard star turned 79 again (2020 doesn’t count, so everyone’s birthday just moves to next year) and celebrated with some of our favorite characters from the U.S.S. Enterprise. LeVar Burton, who brought Geordi to life on Star Trek: The Next Generation, shared a picture of Sir Patrick Stewart’s COVID-compliant birthday celebration!
A Covid compliant, socially distanced and masked observation of the 80th Birthday of a legend and a friend. #bydhttmwfi pic.twitter.com/ibgEB1I90T
— LeVar Burton (@levarburton) July 14, 2020
Not only does this picture bring tears to my eyes because it is the cast of NextGen together and following protocol, but it also shows how much they all love each other. And how they all think the same because they’re … all matching.
We are so in tune with each other, we don’t even have to talk. 😂😂 https://t.co/da60A4vqfZ
— Marina Sirtis (@Marina_Sirtis) July 14, 2020
And many of the cast took to Twitter to wish their friend a very happy birthday and share the picture of them together!
Happy Birthday to my pal, PStew! A mensch for all seasons!
— Brent Spiner (@BrentSpiner) July 13, 2020
Jonathan Frakes, the love of my life, who brought William T. Riker to screen, shared a tweet celebrating his onscreen captain and friend (but wasn’t pictured in the birthday shot).
Happy Birthday @sirpatstew 80 great years. 🖖🏾🎬🙏🏽 pic.twitter.com/zusu2mxkWD
— Jonathan Frakes (@jonathansfrakes) July 13, 2020
(To be quite honest, if Frakes were there, I think I would have just sat in the corner and sobbed uncontrollably.)
Honestly, it’s incredibly heartwarming to see the cast of Star Trek rally together for Sir Patrick Stewart and, even more so, do it while following guidelines put into place to combat COVID-19. But also, that shouldn’t be surprising, because it is the cast of Star Trek, after all—a show set in a world where everyone looks out for each other and makes sure that we, as a society, care about our fellow beings? Of course the actors would care about social distancing and keeping each other safe.
So, happy belated to the always-incredible Sir Patrick Stewart. His quarantine sonnets have been such a joy to this dark world, and now, seeing his birthday celebration and how wonderfully safe and Trek it all felt? Truly something incredible to see in these dark times.
(image: Matt Kennedy/CBS)
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Published: Jul 14, 2020 8:04 PM UTC