Star Wars has the best fashion, and no, I’m not just talking about Padmé Amidala. Here on Earth, Star Wars-inspired fashion is the absolute best. From Her Universe to indie designers, we’ve got countless groups dedicated to letting you live your best Jedi or Sith life. TOMS has gotten in on the fun with a new line of Star Wars-inspired shoes, and we’re all kind of obsessed with them.
The shoes will be based on art from the original trilogy of films and are limited edition, with prices starting at $34.99. You can get slip-ons inspired by the Death Star trench run, or the AT-ATs approaching the Rebel base on Hoth. My personal favorites are images of X-Wings and the Millennium Falcon against a starry backdrop. There’s even a collection for kids featuring Ewoks and the forest moon of Endor.
TOMS, as a company, is known for donating a pair of shoes for every pair sold, which means that this time, breaking the bank on your latest fandom footwear means you’re doing a good deed. This makes it even harder for me not to order every single pair of shoes immediately.
This is, of course, designed to hype us all up for the upcoming Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in December, but hey, if TOMS wants to send me a pair of these shoes to review, I would absolutely wear them to opening day. Check out pictures of the line below, and let us know what your favorite design is.
(image: TOMS)
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Published: Jul 2, 2019 5:20 PM UTC