It just wouldn’t be Pride month without some insecure straight people attempting to redivert attention back to themselves, would it? One particularly attention-starved man has taken it upon himself to plan a Straight Pride parade, despite the fact that the very concept of “straight pride” is meaningless.
“Straight Pride” parade planned in Boston. With floats.
— carolynryan (@carolynryan) June 4, 2019
Pride was a response to societal shaming and oppression, as well as the violence LGBTQ+ people faced at the hands of the police. Straight pride is unnecessary because heterosexuality has never been persecuted. It’s the All Lives Matter of sexual identity.
the straight pride parade in boston should have a completely straight parade route, i thought i’d save them some time by drawing one
— pun the jewels (@failnaut) June 4, 2019
Straight Pride Parade????? FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!
— Smash Mouth (@smashmouth) June 4, 2019
A more accurate name for the Straight Pride Parade would be Incelebration.
— Adam Best (@adamcbest) June 4, 2019
What would a Straight Pride parade even look like?
Floats for the Straight Pride Parade…
– Giant AXE body spray
– Bag of Doritos
– Big Mountain Dew
– Tomi Lahren riding a Swastika
– Jacob Wohl waving on a Twinkie
– Charlie Kirk in a diaper
– The curly hair gun girl in a beige leotard riding an AR-15
– Giant Parent’s basement— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) June 4, 2019
is the flag just khaki y/n
— Gillian Brockell (@gbrockell) June 4, 2019
disgusting…..what am i supposed to say to my kids when they see a couple, covered head-to-toe in celtics gear, miming the missionary position
— matt lubchansky (@Lubchansky) June 4, 2019
You can’t have a Straight Pride Parade. Parades are inherently gay. Embrace it.
— Ronald Funches (@RonFunches) June 4, 2019
As you might have guessed, “straight pride” in this case and probably most others is actually just code for “anti-LGBTQ+.” The guy who posted about the organizing isn’t just some straight man who really wants the world to know how much he loves women–he’s a far-right organizer with a love of fascist memes.
Not every organizer or frequent attendee of “Resist Marxism”/“Boston Free Speech” is so unsubtle that they tattoo Nazi imagery on their neck, post exclusively about fascism or speak at known white nationalist events. Some are a little more careful, like Mark Sahady.
— Boston DSA (@Boston_DSA) August 17, 2018
Pinochet memes are perfect for the discerning crypto-fascist: not clearly established as a fascist the way Hitler and Mussolini is, and he’s also popular with the kind of libertarians/“anarcho-capitalists” that don’t actually mind state violence so long as it’s against the Left.
— Boston DSA (@Boston_DSA) August 17, 2018
Mark’s desire for violence against people with left-wing politics doesn’t end at Facebook posts. While the far-right’s rallies in Boston are often small and violence is avoided by outnumbering them, Mark is a semi-frequent traveller to Portland, Oregon.
— Boston DSA (@Boston_DSA) August 17, 2018
Here’s Mark in Portland again, armed with a wooden pole for a supposedly peaceful protest. This is what Mark wants for Boston: not small “free speech rallies”, but grouping up geared for street fighting, doing as much as he can to injure and intimidate local left-wing activists.
— Boston DSA (@Boston_DSA) August 17, 2018
(Those are just a few excerpts from a much longer–and very informative–thread.)
If someone legitimately wanted to organize a Straight Pride parade just to celebrate heterosexual love and sex, that would be … well, it would be weird and unnecessary and we’d probably still laugh a lot, but it would be fine. This is not fine. This is bigotry and a desire for violence attempting to conflate those things with straightness and I sure hope every single non-bigoted straight person finds that personally offensive.
(image: ANGELA WEISS/AFP/Getty Images)
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Published: Jun 4, 2019 9:33 PM UTC