The long-awaited Independence Day sequel had been moved from July 3, 2015 to July 1, 2016, escaping the mess of blockbuster competition that the summer 2015 season is shaping up to be. The Fantatsic Four reboot, however, is going to be thrown right into the middle of the melée with a June 19, 2015 release date.
Independence Day‘s move is very logical: a 2016 release puts the sequel on the 20th anniversary of the original film (and if that doesn’t make you feel old, I don’t know what will). Plus, it just plain gives the filmmakers more time to get their proverbial, um, stuff together. Maybe they’ll even get Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum to come back and tie the whole thing together. I’m not suggesting they turn the new movie into a nostalgia-fest, but…yes, I actually am suggesting that. I watched Independence Day until the VHS tape fell apart. It’s going to be a nostalgia-fest for me no matter what happens.
As for The Fantastic Four, that film is only one of a whole bunch of 20th Century Fox 2015 releases that have been shuffled around this week. The Assassin’s Creed movie has been pushed form June to August, and The Secret Service has taken over The Fantastic Four‘s old release date in March.
As a summer 2015 movie, The Fantastic Four is going to be up against a whole slew of high-profile genre films, like Batman vs. Superman and the Avengers sequel. Maybe the folks behind Independence Day have dodged a bullet.
These look like the final release dates for most of these films, but it’s possible that things could get shifted again. After all, it’s not over until the fat lady sings.
(via: Badass Digest, Collider)
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Published: Nov 13, 2013 11:45 am