“Don’t Worry,” Says Animated Devil May Cry Series Producer Adi Shankar, “The Series Will Not Have Chris Pratt.” Briana Lawrence Briana Lawrence Nov 8, 2021
Producer Adi Shankar Explains How Castlevania Succeeds as a Video Game Adaptation Charline Jao Charline Jao Jul 21, 2017
Why There Probably Won’t Be a Dredd Sequel (Unless They Can Hire The Rock) "The guy who dresses up like The Crow is going to give you a lesson in film finance." Victoria McNally Victoria McNally Mar 6, 2015
Dredd Is Coming Back, Just Not As a Movie This Time The opposite of Dreddful. Rebecca Pahle Rebecca Pahle Oct 8, 2014
Hell Yes! Katee Sackhoff Joins Gina Carano For Female Expendables Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. Yes. Jill Pantozzi Jill Pantozzi Oct 6, 2012
Hollywood Chooses Newbie Action Star Gina Carano To Headline Female Expendables Film i swear by my pretty floral bonnet i will end you Jill Pantozzi Jill Pantozzi Sep 25, 2012
Producer Adi Shankar Explains How Castlevania Succeeds as a Video Game Adaptation Charline Jao Charline Jao Jul 21, 2017