Meet Silk, Marvel’s Newest Female Asian-American Superhero It's about time. Alvina Lai Alvina Lai Feb 19, 2015
Barbie Launches New Line Of Superhero Dolls Called… Princess Power Well, they're trying. Victoria McNally Victoria McNally Jan 30, 2015
Things We Saw Today: Star-Lord Lolita "What a bunch of super-duper-cuties!" Sam Maggs Sam Maggs Oct 23, 2014
Marvel Executive Calls For Female Superheroes In Front Of And Behind The Cameras Jill Pantozzi Jill Pantozzi Oct 20, 2014
Jessica Chastain Tells Vanity Fair Everyone Is Ready For A Female Superhero Film Give this woman her own superhero film immediately. Sam Maggs Sam Maggs Sep 17, 2014
Jessica Chastain Wants to Know Why the Hell Scarlett Johansson Hasn’t Gotten a Superhero Movie Yet Preach. Rebecca Pahle Rebecca Pahle Aug 28, 2014
What Would Happen If A Lady Superhero Pitched Her Own Movie? This would be hilarious if it wasn't so painfully accurate. Sam Maggs Sam Maggs Aug 9, 2014