Tama, the cute calico cat, is hailed as a hero who saved Kishi Station from financial ruin by bringing in visitors and acting as both station master and mascot. Kishi Station, which is in Japan’s Wakayama Prefecture, will have a memorial on June 28th.
Tama, originally a stray cat, was adopted by the station master at the time. The station was almost shut down, but ended up destaffed instead. Eventually, Tama was named station master with a salary consisting of cat food. Her job was to greet passengers with her stationmaster hat.
Tama’s new position increased tourism in the area immensely, and was eventually promoted to super station master, where she got her own office and two assistants; her mother, and a second tabby cat called Chiiko. She became a well known celebrity, with her face on the station cars, souvenirs, and much more.
Wakayama governor Yoshinobu Nisaka said he was “filled with deep sorrow and appreciation” and praised Tama’s work in promoting tourism.
Electric Railway president Misunobu Kojima said that the day before Tama’s death, she let out “a strong meow.”
Tama was 16 (80 in cat years) when she passed away.
(via CNN, Image via kumachii on Flickr)
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Published: Jun 26, 2015 09:00 am