It is a war that continues to rage. Every few months, someone decides to reignite the fire, stoking the brewing battle of the internet by asking one simple question: Which Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice is better? It happens on a nearly constant loop, and the idea that we have to make a decision is baffling to me. But no longer will I be a victim of this never-ending war.
This time, it began as a science experiment.
Important scientific research!
Please respond with your age and preferred Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth or Matthew Macfadyen). I’ll start:
Colin Firth— E (@EisReading) November 6, 2019
And, unsurprisingly, the responses were as you’d expect.
29 – Colin Firth. I thoroughly approve of the 1995 version of Pride and Prejudice.
— Corinne Edgerton (@edgertco) November 6, 2019
5 weeks from 50 and if I have to choose, it would be Matthew for the voice and the walk across the misty field. However, my very favorite is Sir Laurence.
— The Reese’s Pumpkin Fangirl A.M.Y. 🐋🦆🐧🐻 (@thenwchica) November 6, 2019
Me on my way to tell you I prefer Colin Firth and I am 22
— Snoop Doggy Dog (@Roe1Lauren) November 6, 2019
Matthew MacfadyenLove Colin Firth in everything else, but his Darcy just doesn’t do it for me.
— brown gloss witch (@shishying) November 6, 2019
And fine, to each their own. But I am here to put a stop to the battle of Colin Firth vs. Matthew MacFadyen: Dawn of Darcy. Why? Because I’m selfish and I want them both, and I’m tired of being asked to choose. I will not do it. I am but a humble servant of the tale of Pride and Prejudice. I live my life as a Lizzie Bennet, and I pray for the day that Fitzwilliam Darcy angrily has feelings for me. Twisted, I know, but it is the curse of many throughout the centuries who identify as Lizzie.
All that being said, the archaic notion that we have to chose one Darcy is over. Do you know how many times I have sat by and watched as straight men have had their cake and eaten it to when it comes to the world of adaptations? Do you know what that pain is knowing that they can have their 40 different Batmen and love them all, but we, as servants of the attraction to men, have to choose which Darcy is better because we can’t have both?
I say nigh! I throw down your false claim! I will love my Colin Firth as Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy or even Mark Darcy as I also love my Matthew MacFadyen. I will appreciate the zombie-fighting techniques of Sam Riley’s Darcy from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and I will say it all proudly. Throw in Daniel Vincent Gordh of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries or Matthew Rhys in Death Comes to Pemberley and I have a collection of Darcys that I enjoy.
The reign of fighting over a Darcy has ended. We now can appreciate them all. And to that, I say, good day sir!
(image: PBS/Focus Features)
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Published: Nov 6, 2019 8:58 PM UTC