The Duolingo owl in a black robe and ice skates, standing on the ice, oversees two people in green body suits, ice skates, and Duo masks, carrying a child away

These Are the Absolute Weirdest Things the Duolingo Owl Has Done

Whatever you think of corporations pretending to be people, you have to admit that the Duolingo owl is a brilliant piece of marketing.

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Someone in their PR department spotted the Millennial and Gen Z love of the absolutely unhinged and said, “Hey, you know what? Serial killer/stalker vibes will go real well with the cuteness and emotional blackmail routes Duo is already rocking,” and you know what? I respect that, because damn has it worked out for them. Here are just some of the weirdest things that funky little guy has done.

10. When he entered his “ballet core coquette girly era” by dancing on pointe

Even ominous little green owls want to feel cute sometimes, and apparently Duo is a pretty accomplished ballerina? Great way to flex on your users there. “What can’t he do?” etc. etc. I’m not sure I’m going to recover from his announcement that he’s entering his “ballet core coquette girly era,” though.

9. That time he held a séance with other mascots

A candlelit séance with other mascots? Sure, why not? What could go wrong? Britta Perry voice: “That’s safe.” Also clock the candles that got rearranged into a 69 for that weirdly horny vibe we, unfortunately, are going to be revisiting throughout this list. It’s got very “freshman party” vibes, to be honest. Let’s get drunk and summon the devil. Just girly things!


no job here is normal, not even legal…maybe especially not legal #fyp #DuolingoOnIce #duolingo

♬ original sound – Duolingo

Its weird as hell, but the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that Duolingo on Ice would actually be a huge success, if only until the novelty wore off anyway. Just look at this though!


Sing along to ✨SPANISH OR VANISH✨ from DUOLINGO ON ICE! The perfect tune to avoid doing your lesson to. Buy tickets at link in bio. #fyp #duolingo #DuolingoOnIce

♬ original sound – Duolingo

Imagine being the staff at the ice rink the days they booked it to film this!

The whole thing, as shown above, is a carnival of the unsettling, and I may also be about to periodically repeat the phrase, “Hey legal, how long can we detain someone in an ice rink?” for some time.

7. When he wrote little notes to customers reminding them he knew where they lived

Sometime in 2023, customers started reporting an unsettling surprise included in their orders from Duolingo’s merch store: a letter, “signed” by Duo himself, reminding them that he had their addresses now, so they’d better not fall behind in their lessons because “let’s just say I know where you live.” I think this may have marked the beginning of cryptid Duo, when “he” (a.k.a. the marketing department) began sprinkling in tacit threats among the teary-eyed messages sent to delinquent users.

Either way, it’s the moment where most people became aware of his new, improved, ominous approach to keeping students on track, because let’s be real, a cartoon mascot sending people a threatening letter informing them he knows where they live is the sort of thing that can’t not go viral.

6. Duo’s war with the “corrupt injury lawyer”

An entire pseudo advert of the ambulance chaser variety by a lawyer claiming he specializes in rescuing people’s families from Duo’s basement and getting them cash settlements. Duo denies this, of course (see the blurb under the video), claiming that a cease and desist has been issued to the firm. It might be a better denial if Duo didn’t regularly admit to imprisoning users who break their streaks in his basement all over his TikTok, of course.

5. Is this a cry for help?

Sharing footage of your spongesona being lobotomized with a drill is one way to send a message, alright. Are you all OK over there? Duo, (or rather, the team of humans behind the owl), do we need to send someone to check on you? Blink if you need help.

Also, please never use the term “lobotomy core” again. Anyone. I’m begging you.

4. This delightfully unhinged The Bear parody


New season of my emmy award-winning show coming soon #thebear #thebears3 #duolingo

♬ original sound – Duolingo

Really just leaning into the fear here, huh? I am truly, genuinely impressed by this unhinged piece of video. It’s well written, confusingly well acted, well shot and staged, etc. It’s definitely a more Tantalus-esque interpretation of The Bear, but Duolingo’s always had that cult vibe going down, and I found myself actually a little bit unsettled watching it. The tomato-covered chef’s jacket is a nice touch.

3. The torrid affair with Scrub Daddy

Look, this kind of corporate collab is a smart move when it comes to advertising (and we can’t forget, that’s what all of this is), but it’s also really … something. This TikTok is apparently the “clean” version, chronicling Duo and Scrub Daddy’s torrid affair, ending with Scrub Daddy coaching Dup through birthing a whole slew of owl shape scrublings. Wait, was that lobotomy video actually Duo lobotomizing his offspring? That’s dark.

2. When Duo was the father

There he is, dancing around in an Elvis costume behind the parents as they show off their newborn green owlet for the photographer. You’d think this was the very definition of “the audacity” but additional context offered by Duo in the TikTok’s comment section that “three wasn’t a crowd” provides a whole different perspective on the situation. And yes, this is the same couple whose wedding he officiated earlier:


rumor has it they’re still in the basement ?❤️? #duolingo #luckyduo #duoyourlesson

♬ Originalton – stilinskii.mikaelson

Why is this owl so damn horny? Why have I had to sift through numerous green avian thirst posts to bring you this list? Which, regrettably, leads us to my next entry.

1. I genuinely have no words


it’s finally here. your turn to oil up. #duolingo #oiledup IB: @Opera GX

♬ original sound – TheTrueF15

I genuinely have no words. Duo, what the hell is this? For those who can’t play the TikTok here, a more anthropomorphic version of the owl (human body in green, Duo head) covers himself in canola oil (relabelled Duoil) to the “gentleman, start your engines” sound. Also featured, a speech bubble sign saying “Duo is Daddy.” No. Straight to jail.

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Image of Siobhan Ball
Siobhan Ball
Siobhan Ball (she/her) is a contributing writer covering news, queer stuff, politics and Star Wars. A former historian and archivist, she made her first forays into journalism by writing a number of queer history articles c. 2016 and things spiralled from there. When she's not working she's still writing, with several novels and a book on Irish myth on the go, as well as developing her skills as a jeweller.