Things We Saw Today: Figure Skater at the U.S. Championships Gives Yuri!! On Ice a Funny Shout-Out

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Here’s a cute pick-me-up for all you Yuri!! On Ice fans. Joseph Johnson and Karina Manta recently competed together in the U.S. Championships for figure skating, and while waiting for their results, Joseph Johnson did the classic hand symbol that JJ from Yuri!! On Ice does to pump himself up! Since Joseph Johnson has the same initials as JJ, it only makes sense that he would relate to the delightfully over-the-top skater from the anime. (via Crunchyroll on Facebook)

  • If Fred Rogers were still alive, and if Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood were still on the air, then you can bet that there would be some counter-programming to combat Trump’s horrible policies. Here’s some information from a longtime researcher of Rogers’ work about how often the man championed against Reagan and Bush’s similar policies.
  • Apparently, Kellyanne Conway used to do stand-up. I’m afraid to watch… I think the secondhand embarrassment might just do me in. Those of you with strong stomachs, go ahead and click that link.
  • Scientists are organizing a march on Washington, for all of us folks who believe the government should be funding the sciences–especially with regard to climate change.
  • We’re already pumped about Viola Davis making history with her three-time Oscar nominations, but hey, Barry Jenkins also made history with his own nomination! The writer and director behind Moonlight is up for Best Director, and if he gets it, he’ll be the first black man to have won the award. He is also the first black writer-director to get nominated individually for both Best Director and Best Screenplay! (via Huffpo)
  • Turnip-flavored cupcakes sound pretty weird to me, but these Overwatch-themed cupcakes inspired by Pachimari do look adorable! Rosanna Pansino of Nerdy Nummies put together the recipe, and she’s got a how-to video up on her website if you want to make some of your own.
  • Here’s the first group photo of the Aquaman cast–not in costume, just hangin’ out:

What’d you see out there today?

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Image of Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers
Maddy Myers, journalist and arts critic, has written for the Boston Phoenix, Paste Magazine, MIT Technology Review, and tons more. She is a host on a videogame podcast called Isometric (, and she plays the keytar in a band called the Robot Knights (