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So…remember the other day when we showed you a Hello Kitty plush that could turn into a cooked turkey? I didn’t think things could get weirder. (via BillyKitty123)
- Thanksgiving dinner cupcakes are a thing. (via The Frisky)
Ever sit on your couch and think, “You know what this room needs? A life-size Gollum statue.” Well you’re in luck! You can own this one, 29 inches tall, for just over $600. (via GeekAlerts)
- The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is selling personalized graphic novels from Cliff Chiang, Rebekah Isaacs, Paul Levitz, Jeff Smith, Brian K. Vaughan, Brian Wood, and Alan Moore that would make great holiday gifts. (via Blog@Newsarama)
This wooden LEGO minifig was created by Malet Thibaut and is quite a bit larger than its plastic counterpart. (via Colossal)
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Published: Nov 22, 2012 9:30 PM UTC