More images at BuzzFeed.
Also: George Takei has tweeted instructions on how to donate $10 to the Red Cross via text message:
Makes the phrase “one-man wolf pack” slightly different, amirite? (by Barry Presh on DeviantArt)
Adorable. Evil. Adorabevil. (at Design You Trust)
A wickedly detailed photo of the surface of the sun, expelling plasma from an erupting sunspot, by Alan Friedman. (via io9)
Because you wouldn’t want your kidney to end up in some belligerent jerk, this woman assures you she’s “delightful.” (at AdFreak)
Girl Gone Geek interviewed the gamers in charge of Fat, Ugly, or Slutty and why they get such a rise out of the rudest people on XBox Live:
Excellent marketing: Chocolate so good you might have some sort of frightening health event that causes your eyes to roll back in your head and renders you happily slack-jawed. (at Boing Boing)
For Disney geeks: Everything you ever wanted to know about the most obnoxious/iconic ride in the parks, “It’s a Small World,” including the inspiration for the titular song (the Cuban Missile Crisis). (at Neatorama)
Published: Mar 11, 2011 8:09 PM UTC