I imagine Pete Buttigieg is not having the best couple of days. First he declared victory in the Iowa caucus with no way to back that up. Then he had to listen to Meghan McCain spout anti-abortion propaganda to his face. Oh, he also got called out for adding audience applause to a town hall clip.
WATCH: @PeteButtigieg inserts artificial audience applause into #PeteOnCNN videos #SneakyPete (video by @rafaelshimunov) pic.twitter.com/LyxrcYstGH
— CPD Action (@CPDAction) February 7, 2020
He’s also getting fully dragged on Twitter for this absolute nonsense platitude that someone on his campaign thought was poignant enough to memeify.
#CNNTownHall pic.twitter.com/lt4yVD7Krz
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) February 7, 2020
Do yourself a favor and don’t think about what those words actually mean for too long. Your brain is likely to turn to mush if you do.
— winter jerk (@rajandelman) February 7, 2020
“We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.” https://t.co/lhh2WPgYKL
— Stephen Cohen (@scohenSEA) February 7, 2020
When your history teacher assigns you a 500-word essay and you only got about 400 in you. https://t.co/jerM5fzwGt
— Bradford Pearson (@BradfordPearson) February 7, 2020
— Jason Bailey (@jasondashbailey) February 7, 2020
no self-respecting editor would ever, ever, ever let you keep a line like this https://t.co/dqA23zsvpb
— Natalie Shure (@nataliesurely) February 7, 2020
What shape is your democracy? (via Mediaite)
- Speaking of, there’s another Democratic debate tonight. Yup, another one. Here’s the how/when/where, though no why, unfortunately. (via ABC News)
- Here are “8 Sorta Romantic But Definitely Nerdy Movies to Stream for Valentine’s Day.” I love any list that proposes Midsommar as a good date movie. (via i09)
- Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!
🎥 #TheMatrix4 filming in #SanFrancisco! – Feb 5 2020
Many thanks to @sfexaminer 🙏 : “Matrix stars #KeanuReeves and #CarrieAnneMoss were spotted in #Chinatown today as they filmed scenes for the upcoming sequel (📷: @peacepandaz)”https://t.co/RrHZSMc1SS#matrix4 #houseofnanking pic.twitter.com/2RkR74d4lh— Keanu Planet (@keanuplanet) February 5, 2020
- If you’re wondering if Birds of Prey has a post-credits scene and don’t want any other spoilers, here ya go. (via EW)
- And if you’re open to slightly bigger spoilers regarding Harley Quinn’s sexuality in the movie, check this out. (via CBR)
- The Baby Yoda Funko isn’t even out yet and it’s breaking sales records. (via SyFyWire)
2 days ago I woke up in the middle of the night and thought: I’m too scared to publish this. I then remembered #audrelorde ‘s “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action” – it gave me courage. 🙏🏼 to the brilliant @craftingmystyle and @nytimes https://t.co/ZWVjz35S1V
— brit marling (@britmarling) February 7, 2020
Happy weekend, everyone!
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Published: Feb 7, 2020 11:12 PM UTC