“Your Korean Dad” isn’t the only TikTok account spreading love and positivity on the app. Oneya D’Amelio is also here to brighten your day and make sure that you know that you are loved and appreciated. His TikTok account, titled “Angry Reactions,” is full of … well, angry reactions. But he’s not yelling because he’s trying to scare you off or because he’s angry. Oh no. He’s yelling because he wants you, and anyone watching, to know that you are beautiful, smart, kind, and all these other positive things that he thinks you should know about yourself.
“Angry Reactions” is also a place where D’Amelio connects with people from all over TikTok. He fauns over fans who draw him in side by side reaction videos. He champions people who are having a bad day and have no one to celebrate with them about the important things in life. And he loves when people do cute, kind, and amazing things that have to do with their lives or self care. D’Amelio is a beacon of hope and I hope he gives you that pick me up that you might need today in the form of Angry Reactions.
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(image: Angry Reactions Tik Tok)
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Published: Jan 29, 2021 5:56 PM UTC