Trolling, or “posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion” (h/t Wikipedia), is the hot new Internet trend, and a guaranteed way to increase your social media currency.
But the million-dollar question is: How can aspiring viral marketers harness the power of trolling for greater user engagement in online communities? These five self-illustrative trolling guides will show you the way. Feel free to copy-paste them into the Internet community of your choice.
1. Great YouTube video on trolling, though 4:47 is admittedly a little on the long side.
2. Neat three-step guide to trolling; click to see full-sized.
3. Good advice from 4chan founder moot (a.k.a. Kristoff Poole); whoever made this GIF made a typo and wrote “trolling is a art” instead of “trolling is an art,” but this very insightful point still stands.
4. David Thorne, founder of, has a little fun with us with an “animated GIF” which takes a long time to load, but is totally worth it.
5. This comic, featuring the popular “trollface” character in the final panel, pretty much says it all.
(via the Internet)
Published: Nov 2, 2010 12:04 pm