A new photo of first couple Joe and Jill Biden with former President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter has been making the rounds, and boy is it funny. The photo was taken at the Carters’ home in Plains, Georgia, and thanks to the magic of forced perspective and a (possibly) wide-angle lens, the Bidens look absolutely enormous compared to the teeny tiny Carters. It is true that humans get shorter in their old age, but that’s only 1-2 inches of shrinkage. I mean, this is some Peter Jackson, Gandalf in the Shire-style hijinks:
We’re pleased to share this wonderful photo from the @POTUS and @FLOTUS visit to see the Carters in Plains, Ga.!
Thank you President and Mrs. Biden! pic.twitter.com/QcA33iUev4
— The Carter Center (@CarterCenter) May 4, 2021
The photo quickly made the rounds online, and why wouldn’t it? It’s exactly the kind of crowd pleasing, wholesome meme that anyone can get on board with, regardless of age, creed, or political party. Seriously, when did the Carters become the Borrowers? Folks were quick to make jokes on Twitter about the absurd photo, so we decided to compile some of our favorites.
There. I fixed it. pic.twitter.com/dmjLiX3oXk
— 🌊 Deonardo La Vinci 🌊 (@DeonardoLeVinci) May 4, 2021
Loving this new photo of the Bidens and Carters! pic.twitter.com/uafHmtCn8I
— Will 🦥 Menaker (@willmenaker) May 4, 2021
So many weird photos of the Bidens and the Carters pic.twitter.com/Snf0TyoSCc
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) May 4, 2021
Honey, I Shrunk the Carters looks hilarious. pic.twitter.com/FAJe7iZs6M
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) May 4, 2021
Yes the Carters have grown shorter as they’ve gotten older but I’m convinced this is also a lens issue. https://t.co/LiFBA4T18u
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) May 4, 2021
Added The former guy for scale pic.twitter.com/iH7PBIcc5O
— El Elegante (@ElElegante101) May 4, 2021
i can’t stop laughing at big bidens and baby carters pic.twitter.com/WIJxcqThra
— Vincent Martella (@VinMan17) May 4, 2021
Why doesn’t Biden, the largest president, simply eat the Carters.
— Louis Peitzman (@LouisPeitzman) May 4, 2021
This was a shot of Bidens entourage arriving in the Carters neighborhood. pic.twitter.com/FMc6ppxdWE
— mike (@1kingsbay) May 4, 2021
The Bidens visiting the Carters pic.twitter.com/BGX3ldFJU6
— Mr. Chau (@Srirachachau) May 4, 2021
If the Carters figure out a way to live to the ripe age of 200 they will be the size of my thumb. https://t.co/jSNSSmcva8
— Ken Marino (@KenMarino) May 4, 2021
Shit, the Jewish Space Laser made the Bidens HUGE pic.twitter.com/w4ZPljtEdF
— Angry Staffer (@Angry_Staffer) May 4, 2021
Overused term but this is actually Lynchian pic.twitter.com/UuFsUuSoWo
— Mr. Chau (@Srirachachau) May 4, 2021
Oh no Major Biden just grabbed Jimmy Carter and White House staff are currently chasing him around and yelling “drop it”
— Vinny Thomas ¡ (@vinn_ayy) May 4, 2021
While the forced perspective of this photo was obviously unintentional, it reminds us of the complicated forced perspective techniques used in The Lord of the Rings films. What a fascinating, old school optical illusion:
Of course, Republicans are here to ruin our joy by calling out the lack of face masks in the photo as some sort of “gotcha” moment. In fact, fully vaccinated people can congregate indoors per the latest CDC guidelines. But I wouldn’t expect Donald Trump Jr. or Lauren Boebert to be informed of that, or informed of anything, really.
In the meantime, I am thrilled to see all the wholesome memes coming out of this photo. What a soul cleanse for the timeline.
(image: The Carter Center)
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Published: May 4, 2021 7:07 PM UTC