For many of us youths, Batman: The Animated Series (BTAS) and the DCAU of cartoons that spawned out of it: Superman: TAS, Static Shock, The Zelda Project, Justice League, etc., are some of our favorites. Over at Dorkly, author Tristan Cooper crafts an engaging piece about how censorship influenced the things that BTAS was able to do and how the restraints put on them by the industry led to some creative ways around that good ol’ cartoon violence. Some of the more interesting changes Cooper touches on include the adding of seatbelts in scenes with cars (click it or ticket) and the change in framing Barbara Gordon’s fall in that infamous Killing Joke-inspired episode where Batgirl dies after a fall. It’s a great read. (via Dorkly)
- Carrie Fisher’s memory lives on and The Last Jedi, for better or for worse, will stand as a lasting memory to Carrie Fisher, with the film having some of the last footage of her before her death. That is reason enough to pick up the Blu-Ray. (via SyFy Wire)
- Well, until we get that Snyder cut, Justice League is so far the DCU’s lowest-grossing film. As a fan of the series and these characters, I can say that this is not a victory, and I hope that something will be done, soon, to fix this mess. (via i09)
- Today in ‘humans suck, do better,’ the last male northern white rhino has died. Right now the only hope to save the species in some way is through IVF with one of the two female northern white rhinos or a female southern white rhino to at least allow some of the genes to live on. (via AP)
How are you guys celebrating the first day of Spring aka the end of Pisces season? Time for Aries to rise!
(Image: Warner Bros.)
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Published: Mar 20, 2018 10:42 PM UTC