Queen Sigma fights hordes of foes in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

‘Vampire Survivors’: The 10 Best Characters, Ranked

Not every vampire is gonna survive the cut. Out of all the bajillion (accurate number, I counted) characters in Vampire Survivors, some are statistically just gonna be able to put in more work than others. That’s okay, we all got different talents. These ten are most talented at killing.

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1. Queen Sigma

Queen Sigma fights hordes of foes in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

If the name didn’t clue you in, Queen Sigma reigns as both sigma and queen Vampire Survivors. While most characters get a buff to only a few stats, she gets a buff to literally everything. And her final weapon? Forget about it. Sole Solution does massive damage to every enemy on screen for 10 SECONDS, and it can be used again 20 seconds later! That’s just plain OP. The only downside to her character? She’s one of the hardest to get, requiring you to collect every item in the game and all the arcana. But is it worth it? 10 seconds of all-powerful damage? You tell me.

2. The Mask of the Red Death

The Mask of the red death fights hordes of foes in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

The Mask of the Red Death is one of the most ridiculously overpowered characters in the entire game. It has the fastest movement speed of any character, high health, and deals 20% additional damages to foes… just because. Its starting weapon is the Death Spiral, which is exactly what it sounds like, a whirlpool of sharp bladed death that surrounds the character, damaging all foes unfortunate enough to draw near. Edgar Allen Poe would be so proud.

3. Avatar Infernas

Avatar Infernas appears in glowing light in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

Avatar Infernas gains +0.5% Curse, +0.5% Might, +2% MoveSpeed, and -0.25% cooldown every level. Every. Level. Is there a cap on that? NOPE. Every single level you gain, Avatar Infernas gets stronger, faster, and better. The Avatar might just be the best late game character in Vampire Survivors, blitzing around the battlefield dealing insane damage. The only problem? The character’s movement speed gets so ridiculous that Avatar Infernas actually gets hard to control. It’s just too powerful.

4. Leda

Leda fights hordes of foes in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

Leda is one weird looking dude. He’s a rock centaur. Torso of a man, body of a… I hope that’s rock and not a pulsating mass of flesh. Moving on. This secret character wields the Holy Wand, which is fully evolved when you first gets your hands on it. The Holy Wand’s power combined with Leda’s +100% to Might lets the rock centaur breeze through foes. Combine Leda’s Holy Wand with the Magic Wand and you have TWO rapid fire weapons that will dominate your foes with superior firepower. How do you get Leda? By defeating him… which is obviously pretty hard. But it’s better than slogging around finding every item or killing a set number of mobs, right?

5. Dommario

Dommario  fights hordes of foes in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

Dommario might be the slowest character in the game, but slow and steady wins this race. Especially if you’ve got the power of Almighty God on your side. Dommario is encircled by the King Bible, and AoE weapon that does massive damage to any undead foe that crosses its path. Every time you upgrade the Bible, you get another book, which does more damage, which makes it move faster, which reduces its cool down. By the end of the game you’ll be nailing foes with Exodus, Deuteronomy, The Gospels, and maybe even Leviticus for good measure.

6. Poe Ratcho

Poe Ratcho fights hordes of foes in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

Who woulda thought that this little old man armed with nothing but a lump of a garlic would be such a contender? Maybe it says something that he’s grown to such a ripe old age, he’s just THAT GOOD at killing. His garlic is essentially a thrown area of effect weapon, giving him some of the best crowd control mechanics in the entire game. Raised to level 7, Poe’s garlic should legally be considered a weapon of mass destruction.

7. Imelda Belpaese

Imelda Belpaese fights hordes of foes in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

Miss Belpaese has been putting in the WORK since the beginning. A slay one since day one, Imelda is one of the four starter characters that you get when first cracking open the game. As a starter, she’s basically Charmander. The best pick. Her Magic Wand weapon auto fires at approaching mobs and always targets the closest enemy, basically doing your job for you. She also gets a 10% buff to EXP earned every five levels, meaning that she levels up faster than anyone else. Snooze you lose.

8. Pugnala Provola

Pugnala Provola
(Luca Galante)

Pugnala Provola brought guns to the knife fight, and for that she is rewarded. Her dual pistols allow her to make short work of enemies from far and away, and she gets more and more powerful as she her might stat increases by %1 per level. Is there a cap on that? Nope. And when you upgrade her weapons in the powerful Phieraggi weapon evolution, forget about it. You’ll turn Vampire Survivors into a bullet hell title, and YOU are the mouth of said hell.

9. McCoy Oni

McCoy Oni, the massive robe wearing tanuki stands ready to fight in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

A robe wearing tanuki monster man named after an Appalachian legend? Sign me up. This tanuki starts with an +8 buff to health, +1 to armor, and +20% growth. What does that mean? It means that he gets tankier and tankier until he turns into a damn M1 Abrams. He is also able to boost his Area of Effect damage by 150% every second, meaning that all you have to do is lumber around and lay waste to the unfortunate demons in your path.

10. Megalo Menya Moonspell

Megalo Menya Moonspell  fights hordes of foes in "Vampire Survivors"
(Luca Galante)

Do you think Vampire Survivors would be easier if your character couldn’t die? You’d be right. And with Megalo Menya Moonspell, your dream can become a reality. Moonspell is unique as she is completely immune to damage and cannot die. Sounds broken? She is. Her only limitation is that a level must be completed within a certain time limit, or else you gotta start over. But with +100% to speed and might along +10% luck and +108 banish, that shouldn’t be much of a problem. The only other downside to Megalo is her tedious requirements for unlocking her, which involves killing 100,000 mobs in a single run.

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Image of Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle
Jack Doyle (they/them) is actually nine choirs of biblically accurate angels crammed into one pair of $10 overalls. They have been writing articles for nerds on the internet for less than a year now. They really like anime. Like... REALLY like it. Like you know those annoying little kids that will only eat hotdogs and chicken fingers? They're like that... but with anime. It's starting to get sad.