Phil Collins singing.

Viral Tweet Has Us All Remembering That Phil Collins Went HARD on the Tarzan Soundtrack

You'll be in my heart. Always.
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I clearly remember the first time I watched Disney’s Tarzan. I was at home, surrounded by my relatives, and on the edge of my seat because I’d heard so many good things about this movie from my classmates. Tarzan started, and I was good. The drum opening? Cool. Ship on fire and people in peril? Not so good. But I was making it through. That all changed as soon as Tarzan‘s parents hugged on the small boat they were on.

To say I burst out crying is an understatement. Yes, I was happy that everyone was safe, but there was something monumental that happened in that hug scene. It took me years to realize why that moment hit me like a ton of bricks that still makes me cry to this day. That reason is Phil Collins. This talented musician was asked to work on the Tarzan soundtrack back in 1999 and went absolutely ham on it. In turn, he created the best Disney soundtrack of all time. Yes, even better than The Lion King.

Collins threw it up a notch by recording the Spanish, Italian, German, and French versions of the Tarzan soundtrack songs. If that isn’t love then I don’t know what is. And I’m forever grateful for this gift that Collins gave me and children all over the world. I’m grateful for how loved “You’ll Be In My Heart” made me feel. I’m grateful for how welcomed “Strangers Like Me” made me feel. I’m grateful for how  “Son of Man” made me understand that change takes time.

“Two Worlds” was the song that broke me all those years ago. And even til this day, I cry like a baby when Collins starts throwing it down on the Tarzan soundtrack. This one in particular still gives me feelings because it’s about trusting your own heart and interconnected we all are despite our differences. And honestly, I’m not the only one.

Everyone is talking about this online today because of a viral tweet about Collins’ gift to us all:

And the many reactions it has spawned:

(image: JACQUES DEMARTHON/AFP via Getty Images)

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Image of Lyra Hale
Lyra Hale
Lyra (She/Her) is a queer Latinx writer who stans badass women in movies, TV shows, and books. She loves crafting, tostones, and speculating all over queer media. And when not writing she's scrolling through TikTok or rebuilding her book collection.