Kamala Harris and Tim Walz overlaid on top of an illustration of an astrological chart
(Andrew Harnik/Getty Images, TMS)

The Harris/Walz campaign is destined by the stars

Good news, everyone: not only is Kamala Harris’ run for president incredibly supported by her birth chart, but her synastry with her Vice Presidential pick Tim Walz is great as well!

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If you understand what I meant by all of that, great. Skip ahead to the next paragraph. If you don’t, here’s a crash course in astrology: Your birth chart is a snapshot of the time and location of where you were born. It has your inner planets (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn) and your outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) as well as 12 houses, which roughly correspond to the 12 signs of the zodiac. Your houses, in particular, are unique to you. As you go through life, the planets move (the houses and the signs they are in do not.) As planets move from the location of where they were during your birth, this is called a transit. Some planets, like the moon, have very short transits (28 days.) Some, like Pluto, have extremely long ones (about 248 years.) Transits can form angles to your birth chart that are either helpful to you (sextiles, trines) or not that great (squares, oppositions.) Additionally, when you compare one person’s chart to another, that’s called synastry. You can compare birth charts and transits between two people to get an idea of how they will get along. A few things: yes, I understand the moon and sun are not planets in astronomy, but this is astrology, baby! Also, yes, I understand you don’t believe in astrology. All I can say is: What is the stock market, but a horoscope for rich people?

Moving on.

Let’s do the bad news first: We do not have Tim Walz’s birth time, so we can’t get really into the weeds of the synastry of his and Harris’ chart. That doesn’t mean we can’t look at the planets, which we don’t need a birth time for, and see how they pair with each other.

First, let’s look at Walz’s transits, and they point to a very happy election outcome for him in November:

So, onto Mr. Walz. Here is what stands out from a transit (a.k.a. current influences) perspective, courtesy of Astrology with Andy:

  • Transiting Pluto trine his natal Venus (February 2024 – February 2026): This once-in-a-lifetime transit is a social boon. It favors public relations, popularity, and can also increase one’s financial status.
  • Transiting Jupiter sextile his natal Sun (July 2024 – May 2025): Jupiter is commonly referred to as the planet of “luck”; I personally don’t like that word and prefer to instead refer to Jupiter as the planet of opportunities. It’s uncanny that this transit is exact for Mr. Walz when he is selected to be the Vice-Presidential candidate for the 2024 United States election.

Hmmm, positive social environment? Opportunities that seem incredibly lucky? Sounds pretty good for November, right?

What about the synastry, though? Here’s what an astrologer on Reddit had to say (before Walz was picked, I might add):

I’m saying it’s Tim Walz. And here’s why.

The synastry is nice. Walz has his Saturn right on Kamala’s MC, giving them a good structured working relationship. His Jupiter is on her moon, making them a team that travels well, exudes optimism and also just makes Kamala feel buoyed. He also he has his Mercury conjunct Kamala’s progressed MC.

Another thing to note here is that Walz is an Aries, and Harris has an Aries moon. Typically, you get along with people whose sun sign matches your moon sign. That’s because your sun is who you are in your core, and your moon represents your emotions and subconscious. It’s essentially like attracting like. To take this further, Harris is an Air sun sign, and Walz is a fire: Air and fire pair well just like water and earth do. (All signs are one of the four elements.)

You may be wondering, and yes, convicted felon and sexual abuser, Donald Trump, pairs well with his Vice President pick JD “love them couches” Vance in the same way: Trump is air (Gemini) and Vance is fire (Leo.) However, Vance is a water moon (Scorpio) which does not pair well with an Air. (Ask me, someone with 5 planets in Scorpio, how I know this.) Remember, water wants earth, an element Trump has no planets of in his chart. Back to the decent people, though.

More information on the synastry of Walz and Harris will come out once we finally have his birth time, but for now, the charts are looking very good for the Harris/Walz campaign, and again, I can only say that many astrologers are predicting Trump will be hit hard by the eclipse in September, just in time for an October surprise. Sucks to suck, I guess, but that’s not something the Harris/Walz campaign would know anything about.

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Image of Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson (no, not that one) has been writing about pop culture and reality TV in particular for six years, and is a Contributing Writer at The Mary Sue. With a deep and unwavering love of Twilight and Con Air, she absolutely understands her taste in pop culture is both wonderful and terrible at the same time. She is the co-host of the popular Bravo trivia podcast Bravo Replay, and her favorite Bravolebrity is Kate Chastain, and not because they have the same first name, but it helps.