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‘OMORI’s Manga Makes Its Debut!

Why read OMORI if you’ve already played the game? Even if you’ve played before, the manga version will put you up to speed with the horrors surrounding Sunny.

It takes a while for you to realize that White Space isn’t as calm as it seems in the game, but in the manga’s first chapter, OMORI wastes no time in showing readers that something about Sunny’s world is deeply disturbed. The manga is far from complete, but the pacing of the story is quick. Readers from the U.S. can access the OMORI manga at Kodansha’s website through this link.

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Fans have posted the first chapter of OMORI on Twitter

Because the manga has been inaccessible for many readers, fans have resorted to posting the first chapter of OMORI on Twitter. It may be taken down shortly, but many have already gone through the scans. Some have criticized the art style for making the characters look too young, while other fans have been heavily invested in the story.

The manga is creepy, regardless of your opinions on the art style. The monsters that appear out of nowhere appear to be more threatening and imposing. Sunny’s expressions in the manga have also improved. His fears and other emotions show on his face, which looks great in manga format.

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Image of Vanessa Esguerra
Vanessa Esguerra
Vanessa Esguerra (She/They) has been a Contributing Writer for The Mary Sue since 2023. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy, she (happily) rejected law school in 2021 and has been a full-time content writer since. Vanessa is currently taking her Master's degree in Japanese Studies in hopes of deepening her understanding of the country's media culture in relation to pop culture, women, and queer people like herself. She speaks three languages but still manages to get lost in the subways of Tokyo with her clunky Japanese. Fueled by iced coffee brewed from local cafés in Metro Manila, she also regularly covers anime and video games while queuing for her next match in League of Legends.

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