I do hope you’re not considering … piracy. Are you?
I’m sure you’re thinking “if there was ever a manga to pirate, the one about the pirates has to be it.” Or perhaps you’re thinking that One Piece, the biggest of The Big Three, doesn’t need to be obtained legally because its wealthy creator doesn’t need any more money.
Normally I’m all for eating the rich, but in this case… YOU HAD BETTER SHOW EIICHIRO ODA SOME GODDAMN RESPECT.
THAT MAN HAS BEEN PUMPING OUT MANGA SINCE YOU WERE PUMPING OUT DOO-DOOS IN YOUR LITTLE BABY DIAPERS. HE HAS BEEN CONSISTENTLY RELEASING ONE PIECE CHAPTERS FOR NEARLY THREE DECADES—and hasn’t shown any sign of slowing down. The man is unstoppable. Unsinkable. Incorruptible. And you would sully his legacy by resorting to the real-life piracy of HIS LIFE’S WORK. He’s not some nepo-baby asshole who didn’t earn a dime on his own. This man put in work to make One Piece the biggest series IN THE WORLD, and I will not have that work tarnished.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, here are some of the ways you can read Oda’s great series, One Piece.
Buy it in print!
Literally just go to the man at the bank, ask for some of your hard-earned dollars, and then go to the local bookstore and buy it. One Piece is everywhere. Any place worth their salt is gonna carry a couple of volumes collected into tankobon. Or you could just go online! Right now you can buy all of the volumes collected into a single 21,000-page book! All for the low, low price of $2000!
$2000 …?????
Okay, I see the problem now.
DON’T buy it in print. Read One Piece online.
FORGET EVERYTHING I JUST SAID. Unless of course your entire life is One Piece and you wanna drop two to three months’ worth of rent money on a comic book. No, no, no. You have RESPONSIBILITIES. Like cooking dinner and keeping a roof over your head. You can’t afford that! So what’s your alternative?
Get it on Viz.com!
Bam! Perfect! Now you don’t have to worry about trying to fit a 36-pound monstrosity into your backpack. You can put that monstrosity on your phone or computer! Hooray! All you have to do is make an account on the website, purchase the volumes you want, and read away! Lucky you!
But if you REALLY want to read it for FREE like a true pirate would …
Go to MangaPlus.com! It’s all there for free if you just make an account! But wait, isn’t that illegal? NOPE. MangaPlus is owned by Shonen Jump, the people who publish One Piece. It’s all there! How? Why? What’s the catch? There isn’t one! Go read it!
(featured image: Toei Animation)
Published: Jul 7, 2023 10:24 PM UTC