As folks that browse the Internet on a regular basis, chances are you’ve seen what’s often called “the worst tattoo in the world.” It features a photo of a beautiful woman in a wedding dress with a big smile juxtaposed against a man’s arm that has what’s supposed to be a portrait tattoo of the woman. Well, let’s just say something went horribly awry, and the terrifying visage you see above was the result. Five years later, someone’s actually fixed the horrifying tattoo, and it actually looks really good.
On the one-year anniversary of his wife’s death, Chad Stahl went and got himself a tattoo. This was 2007. Unfortunately, he received a shamefully bad tattoo that what would eventually become an Internet meme. I’m sure inking a tattoo is a difficult job, but there are some results that are just unforgivable, and the one that graced Stahl’s arm is a fine example.
He’s had this monstrosity for for at least five years — six if he got it in January of 2007. Let that sink in a bit. The whole reason he got the tattoo was to celebrate the life of his wife, who died in a house fire and left him with three children, and this was the result. It boggles the mind. Luckily, he finally has a tattoo of his wife of which to be proud.
Stahl went to Empire Ink in Akron, Ohio and had tattoo artist Scott Versago fix the botched tattoo. After the recounting of Stahl’s story, Versago actually did the job for free. Well, free, but the publicity alone was probably worth the effort. Check out what Stahl ended up with after his session at Empire Ink:
Yeah. That’s… about a million times better. It’s a pretty uncanny resemblance to the woman in the photo. A happy ending for Stahl, and what’s sure to be a moderate increase in attention for Versago. This might just be the most uplifting story you read on the Internet this weekend.
(Facebook via Yahoo!, image courtesy of Scott Versago)
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Published: Feb 23, 2013 4:00 PM UTC