Similar to Best of Nextdoor and the account that shares AITA Reddit posts, “Zillow Gone Wild” is a great Twitter account curating a collection of the best content its original site has to offer and sharing it all on Twitter, where followers congregate to marvel/judge the listings.
Zillow Gone Wild excels with things like ridiculous mansions designed to look like castles and midwest houses with mysterious ski lifts or dungeons/actual jails in their basements—meaning oftentimes it’s the layout and actual architecture of the homes for sale that’s the draw for commenters. Other times, as with today’s big listing, it’s the decor.
May I introduce you to the “Welcome to Poundtown” house, which the account itself describes as “a good example of what happens when your Michael’s obsession goes one sign too far.”
As you can see, the house is filled with the kind of signs found in craft stores and Etsy shops, inexplicably beloved by so many millennials. These are the “live, laugh, love” signs, the “In this house we …” signs, the “wine mom” signs—or, as it’s referred to in my house thanks to this excellent recent Saturday Night Live sketch, the “I drink under a trampoline” kind of sign:
There are a lot of these signs on display in the Wisconsin house listed but it’s this one in what appears to be the main bedroom that’s getting all the attention:

Here’s the reverse shot of that room, by the way:

Based on the rest of the pictures, the house doesn’t appear to be staged for sale, meaning these all look like the owner’s own decor decisions. And honestly, I think their hyper-focus on romance in the main bedroom is cute if that’s what they like, and if this couple is highlighting their love in the form of wedding shots, heart-shaped texts, and “this is us” signs, why shouldn’t they also acknowledge that this is their own personal Poundtown?
Celebrate your love, in both the romantic and the physical senses! Welcome to Poundtown, lovebirds!
What else did we see today?
- John Oliver reveals he and his show have been trolling Dr. Oz for years. (via The Daily Beast)
- A Florida man broke the world record for “most cinema productions attended of the same film” after seeing Spider-Man: No Way Home 292 times. It only cost him about $3400, 720 hours, and likely some serious bladder strain. (via HuffPost)
- InfoWars has had to file for bankruptcy because conspiracy cretin Alex Jones has been sued so many times over his despicable Sandy Hook shooting lies. (via NPR)
Please—please—do not take medical advice from Tucker Carlson!
- Piers Morgan compared himself to Nelson Mandela and the entire world simultaneously cackled and gagged. We gagkled. (via The Guardian)
- Marvel has spent years apparently not knowing what to do with Milana Vayntrub’s Squirrel Girl, bouncing her between live-action and animated series, all of which have fallen through before being able to make her official MCU debut. The latest attempt to make this perfect casting a reality: a podcast! (via AV Club)
What else did you all see out there on this—sigh—Monday?
(image: NBC)
Published: Apr 18, 2022 10:01 PM UTC