Bart the cat was much-beloved by his family—which is why it was so tragic when he passed away after being hit by a car. Or so we all thought.
The one-and-a-half year old cat was struck by a car this month in Tampa, and owner Ellis Hutson asked his neighbour to bury the poor little guy. Dusty Albritton, said neighbour, dug a shallow grave, and left Bart to his rest.
Until, five days later, Bart emerged from the ground, beg-meowing for brains.
Or Purina, or whatever.
“All I knew was this cat was dead and Pet Sematary is real,” said Albritton, watching Bart return to life with a broken jaw, ruptured eye, and injured face.
In all seriousness, Bart was not actually dead, and we must recommend taking your maybe-dead cat to the vet to verify this next time, Hutson. Tampa Bay’s Humane Society successfully repaired his jaw and removed his injured eye, and in six weeks the little guy is going to be just fine. Bart’s medical costs are being covered in part by the Save-A-Pet Medical Fund.
We do, however, suggest Hutson keep a steady supply of mouse brains on-hand – just in case.
(via Yahoo, image via allison_dc)
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Published: Jan 28, 2015 4:48 PM UTC